UN emission gap report
There is an enormous gap between what we need to do and what we’re actually doing to prevent dangerous levels of climate change. There is
There is an enormous gap between what we need to do and what we’re actually doing to prevent dangerous levels of climate change. There is
Read the full article here: https://www.mobilityhouse.com/int_en/magazine/press-releases/green-apple-award-environmental-best-practice.html
Read the full article in german at: https://blog.zeit.de/herdentrieb/2018/11/13/die-naechste-rezession-koennte-vor-der-tuer-stehen-viel-zu-frueh-fuer-die-ezb_11083
Read the full article in german at: https://blog.zeit.de/herdentrieb/2018/11/05/euroland-spart-sich-arm_11063
Read the full article in german at: https://blog.zeit.de/herdentrieb/2018/10/25/italiens-wirtschaft-muss-wieder-wachsen_11049
Read full article at: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economics/2018/press-release/
Read full article her: https://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/session48/pr_181008_P48_spm_en.pdf
Jochen Wermuth, chief investment officer at Wermuth Asset Management discusses the shifting focus in the future of investment. View the clip on CNBC here: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/09/25/should-not-invest-in-new-exploration-for-oil-gas-and-coal-expert-says.html
Jochen’s analysis on who will be the winners from the green industrial revolution (N-TV video in German). Jochen Wermuth explains that several industry sectors will
Read the full article in german at: https://blog.zeit.de/herdentrieb/2018/09/05/krise-in-den-schwellenlaendern-eskaliert_10995
This year was the first time WAM prepares a report for the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI, https://www.unpri.org/) and got excellent scores (results are
Strong headwinds Against a generally healthy economic backdrop there is a long list of open issues that have not only the potential to unsettle capital
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