Dieter Wermuth’s Investment Outlook – December 2017
Still the same story: strong growth, low inflation, exuberant stock markets Since inflation is mostly well below target in industrialized countries, central banks remain in
Still the same story: strong growth, low inflation, exuberant stock markets Since inflation is mostly well below target in industrialized countries, central banks remain in
Stock markets move closer to a major correction Read the full article in PDF format: Wermuths_Investment_Outlook_29August2017
Deceptively calm markets Read the full article in PDF format: Wermuths_Investment_Outlook_16June2017
Sell bonds, don’t buy stocks! Read the full article in PDF format: Wermuths_Investment_Outlook_11Apr2017
Sell bonds, buy stocks! Read the full article in PDF format: Wermuths_Investment_Outlook_06Jan2017
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